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Main Menu (Categories) not displayed on subpages with Fastly enabled
Main Menu (Categories) not displayed on subpages with Fastly enabled
This article provides a fix for when the Main Menu (or the Category Top Navigation menu in our user guide) is not displayed on storefront for subpages (for example, blog/page ) when Fastly or Varnish is enabled.
Cause: the non-permitted /
character (slash) in the URL Key parameter of the page (Search Engine Optimization settings). The character is usually added when URL Path (with entire page location) is mistakenly specified instead of URL Key : for example, blog/page_name instead of just page_name .
Solution: remove the /
character (slash); for the URL Key parameter, specify only the page name.
Affected versions
Adobe Commerce on-premises 2.X.X
Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure 2.X.X
Fastly or Varnish
The Main Menu (also referred to as the Category Top Navigation menu in our user guide) is not displayed on storefront for subpages when Fastly or other Varnish-based services are enabled.
The issue is caused by the non-permitted /
character (slash), added to the URL Key parameter (Search Engine Optimization settings).
The character is usually added when URL Path (with entire page location, including the parent resource/directory of the page) is mistakenly specified instead of URL Key : for example, blog/page_name instead of just page_name .
Remove the /
character (slash) from the URL Key parameter for all pages of your store.
In other words, use URL Key instead of URL Path : mention just the page name with no parent resource/directory.
Recommendations on page hierarchy and SEO
To set the page hierarchy, use the Hierarchy section of the Edit Page menu.
You may also use the Content > Elements > Hierarchy menu – for more complex hierarchy solutions.
For SEO purposes on product pages, use URL Rewrites (Marketing > SEO & Search > URL Rewrites ).
The URL Key parameter for SEO:
Page Hierarchy:
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