Indexes invalidated and indexer_reindex_all_invalid
run constantly
This article provides a possible workaround for the issue when your site has performance issues caused by constant reindexing. This is caused by the [!DNL cron] job indexer_reindex_all_invalid
continuously running and caches cleaned on [!DNL reindex].
Affected products and versions
- Adobe Commerce (cloud & on-premises) 2.4.0+ (As [!UICONTROL Category Permissions] is an Adobe-Commerce-only feature, it will not affect Magento Open Source.)
In [!DNL New Relic One] error logs should show indexer_update_all_views
running many times with a time > 1 second (i.e., it is processing something).
When the core Adobe Commerce importer is run (manually or by [!DNL cron]), then a set of plugins across multiple core modules are executed to determine what indexes should be invalidated.
The issue occurs when the [!UICONTROL Category Permissions] module is enabled in the [!DNL Commerce Admin]. If this is true, then the module’s plugin always invalidates the Product & Category indexes (and linked indexes) when an import is executed. If the standard import types are examined, then they all affect [!UICONTROL Category Permissions]. Invalidation is expected.
In addition, when a site has B2B modules enabled, if [!UICONTROL Shared Catalog] is activated, it turns on and locks [!UICONTROL Category Permissions]. Turning off [!UICONTROL Shared Catalog] will unlock [!UICONTROL Category Permissions], but not switch it off.
Checking [!DNL cron] logs in your [!DNL MySQL] database:
If you login into your [!DNL MySQL] database, they can check your cron
log for the [!DNL reindex all indexes] process.
This should appear many times, but the important factor is that the process does one of two possible things.
The process can only do one of these two things:
- Nothing: It would take 0 to 1 second (one second or less) - the process checks to see if it needs to do anything and then stops if it does not need to do anything.
- [!DNL Reindex] everything: It will always take time - usually minutes.
Normally you would want to see lots of occurrences of the process, but with an execution time of less than 1 second.
A merchant can therefore use this [!DNL MySQL] query to find transactions that take more than 1 second to run:
SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, executed_at, finished_at) AS period FROM cron_schedule WHERE job_code = 'indexer_reindex_all_invalid' HAVING period > 1
You can see how long a period is recorded by running:
SELECT executed_at FROM cron_schedule WHERE job_code = 'indexer_reindex_all_invalid' AND executed_at IS NOT NULL ORDER BY executed_at ASC LIMIT 1;
If this doesn’t give you a long enough period to make a proper assessment, then you can increase the time a successful cron
process is kept in the log following this [!DNL Cron] (scheduled tasks) guide and increasing the [!DNL Success History Lifetime] value (the default is only 60 minutes).
Extend Magento\CatalogPermissions\Model\Indexer\Plugin\Import
so that the afterImportSource
method excludes the custom importer.
public function afterImportSource(\Magento\ImportExport\Model\Import $subject, $import)
if ($this->config->isEnabled() && $subject->getEntity() !== 'ENTITY_CODE') {
return $import;
is the value used for the entity name parameter in the import.xml
file for the custom importer.
Configure [!DNL cron] jobs in the Adobe Commerce Operations Configuration Guide.