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Overview: [!DNL Quality Patches Tool] (QPT) v1.1.28
This sub-section provides a detailed description of the issues fixed by the patches available in [!DNL Quality Patches Tool] (QPT) v1.1.28.
QPT v1.1.28 includes the following patches:
ACSD-48204 : Fixes the issue where the [!UICONTROL catalog price rule] created based on the [!UICONTROL Yes/No] attribute does not consider the selected scope.
ACSD-47704 : Fixes the issue where the bundled product shows the price of in stock products only.
ACSD-49370 : Fixes the issue where the product attribute has a FilterMatchTypeInput
type in the GraphQL schema.
ACSD-48807 : Fixes the issue where product reviews are not filtered by storeview via GraphQL.
ACSD-49433 : Fixes the issue where the default amount is shown as subtotal in the cart for a gift card with an open amount.
ACSD-48866 : Fixes the issue where an error occurs when requesting RSS feed for categories.
ACSD-49574 : Fixes the issue where the gift card product can't be updated in the shopping cart via GraphQL.
ACSD-48784 : Fixes the issue where customer segment prices are incorrectly cached between customer groups.
ACSD-48857 : Fixes the issue where a user is unable to save changes after editing with [!UICONTROL PageBuilder] .
ACSD-49065 : Fixes the issue where quote items are not visible in the Admin if only assigned to the custom stock.
ACSD-49179 : Fixes the issue where [!UICONTROL Orders Report] shows incorrect amounts in the case of different currencies for different stores.
ACSD-49286 : Fixes the issue where a product is added twice to a cart when multiple product widgets are present on the page.
Use the menu on the left to navigate to a specific patch page.
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