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ACSD-49970: Incorrect handling of GraphQL errors
ACSD-49970: Incorrect handling of GraphQL errors
The ACSD-49970 patch fixes the issue where there is incorrect handling of GraphQL errors when [!UICONTROL New Relic Reporting] is turned on. This patch is available when the [!DNL Quality Patches Tool (QPT)] 1.1.29 is installed. The patch ID is ACSD-49970. Please note that the issue is scheduled to be fixed in Adobe Commerce 2.4.7.
Affected products and versions
The patch is created for Adobe Commerce version:
Adobe Commerce (all deployment methods) 2.4.5-p1
Compatible with Adobe Commerce versions:
Adobe Commerce (all deployment methods) 2.4.5 - 2.4.6
The patch might become applicable to other versions with new [!DNL Quality Patches Tool] releases. To check if the patch is compatible with your Adobe Commerce version, update the magento/quality-patches
package to the latest version and check the compatibility on the QPT landing page . Use the patch ID as a search keyword to locate the patch.
key is not handled correctly whether the logDataHelper
contains this key or not.
Steps to reproduce :
Run bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer
Log in to the Admin.
Enable [!UICONTROL New Relic Integration] from [!UICONTROL Stores] > [!UICONTROL Configuration] > [!UICONTROL General] > [!UICONTROL New Relic Reporting]
(Note: Even if an error is displayed saying that the [!DNL New Relic] extension is not available, the configuration is saved).
Run this GraphQL mutation to http://yourMagentoDomain/graphql
from the [!DNL Altair] client or any other client or via cURL.
mutation {
(Note: Set the [!UICONTROL Header] to [!UICONTROL Content-Currency:CA] before running it).
curl --location 'http://yourMagentoDomain/graphql' \--header 'Content-Currency: CA' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--header 'Cookie: PHPSESSID=b5147f63fe5014ea523f262946; private_content_version=8d53dfda210a6e9bc46f4e4a01ffd6c5' \--data '{"query":"mutation {\r\n createEmptyCart\r\n}","variables":{}}'
Expected results :
There is no 500 exception in logs, GraphQLOperationNames
key is being handled correctly.
Actual results :
There is a 500 exception in logs, GraphQLOperationNames
key is not being handled correctly.
Apply the patch
To apply individual patches, use the following links depending on your deployment method:
To learn more about [!DNL Quality Patches Tool], refer to:
For info about other patches available in QPT, refer to [!DNL Quality Patches Tool]: Search for patches in the [!DNL Quality Patches Tool] guide.
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