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Managed alerts for Adobe Commerce
Managed alerts for Adobe Commerce
We’ve set up key dashboards and alerts to aid you in understanding when your site is reaching critical storage and Apdex levels (users' satisfaction with applications and services response time). This can help you take action before you notice slow response times or an outage. You will be able to troubleshoot the alerts with the articles listed below. Before you can use the alerts, first set up notification channels. Please refer to New Relic Configure Notification Channels in our developer documentation.
If managed alerts for the Adobe Commerce alert policy is not available, it could be due to this account being newly created or New Relic having been recently configured. A process is run every Tuesday to add the alert policy to those accounts. The alert policy should be available to you the day after the next process is run. If the policy is still missing, submit an Adobe Commerce support request and include your project ID.
See below in the table for links to the KB articles providing troubleshooting steps for these alerts:
Managed alerts for Adobe Commerce: CPU warning alert
Managed alerts for Adobe Commerce: CPU critical alert
Managed alerts for Adobe Commerce: memory warning alert
Managed alerts for Adobe Commerce: memory critical alert
Managed alerts for Adobe Commerce: Apdex warning alert
Managed alerts for Adobe Commerce: Apdex critical alert
Managed alerts for Adobe Commerce: disk warning alert
Managed alerts for Adobe Commerce: disk critical alert
Managed alerts on Adobe Commerce: MariaDB alerts
Managed alerts on Adobe Commerce: Redis memory warning alert
Managed alerts on Adobe Commerce: Redis memory critical alert
The set thresholds for both Warning Alerts and Critical Alerts are based on research we are doing using historical performance data across our customer base, and represents the latest insights from Adobe Commerce's Support and Engineering teams. Please note that these thresholds are subject to change based on latest, ongoing analysis. The typical alert flow is to receive alerts lower to higher in terms of seriousness. So you will likely receive a Warning alert before you receive a Critical alert. Refer to the links to articles for troubleshooting steps.
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