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Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure v2.3.5 GraphQL caching invalidation not working
Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure v2.3.5 GraphQL caching invalidation not working
This article provides a patch for the issue where GraphQL GET
request returns outdated information if the customer changes product information.
Affected products and versions
Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure v2.3.5.
GraphQL requests are cached by Fastly, and the cached version is retrieved for each subsequent request from Fastly. When a product is re-saved in the Adobe Commerce backend, the Fastly cache should invalidate when a product is updated. However, it remains valid.
Steps to reproduce :
Trigger the following GraphQL request to get products for certain category like: GET http:///graphql?query={products(currentPage:1,pageSize:6,filter:{web_ready:{eq:"1"},category_id:{eq:"1521"}}){total_count,items{__typename,id,sku,name}}}
Re-save one of the products retrieved by the request above in the Commerce Admin.
Trigger the request again.
Expected results :
The X-Cache
header contains MISS
Actual results :
The X-Cache
header contains HIT
, which means the response is cached.
Disable GraphQL product cache with the patch provided in this article.
The patch is attached to this article. To download it, scroll down to the end of the article and click the file name or click the following link:
Compatible Adobe Commerce versions:
The patch was created for:
Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure v2.3.5
The patch is also compatible (but might not solve the issue) with the following Adobe Commerce versions and editions:
Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure v2.4.0
Adobe Commerce on-premises v2.4.0
Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure v2.3.5-p2
Adobe Commerce on-premises v2.3.5-p2
Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure v2.3.5-p1
Adobe Commerce on-premises v2.3.5-p1
Adobe Commerce on-premises v2.3.5
Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure v2.3.4-p2
Adobe Commerce on-premises v2.3.4-p2
Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure v2.3.4
Adobe Commerce on-premises v2.3.4
Adobe Commerce on-premises v2.3.3-p1
Adobe Commerce on-premises v2.3.3
How to apply the patch
See How to apply a composer patch provided by Adobe for instructions on how to apply a composer patch.
Attached files
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