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Adobe Commerce on-premises 2.4.2: product image missing
Adobe Commerce on-premises 2.4.2: product image missing
This article describes a known Adobe Commerce on-premises 2.4.2 issue where the product image is not uploaded to the product page. This issue is scheduled to be addressed in a future version after version 2.4.3. There is not a solution available at this time, but as a workaround, you can disable Nginx to resize images.
Affected products and versions
- Adobe Commerce on-premises 2.4.2
The product image is saved in the s3
bucket, but it is not synced back to the pub/media
directory. This issue only happens when using both:
- Site-enabled Nginx to resize images
as media storage
Adobe Commerce installed with Nginx.
Steps to reproduce:
- Configure Adobe Commerce to use AWS
as media storage.
- Configure Nginx using the
configuration file provided in the Adobe Commerce installation directory and an Nginx virtual host. See Configure Nginx in our developer documentation.
- Create a simple product with one product image.
- Nginx has an uncommented configuration for image resizing in
similar to this:
load_module /etc/nginx/modules/;
location /media/ {
location ~* ^/media/catalog/.* {
set $width "-";
set $height "-";
if ($arg_width != '') {
set $width $arg_width;
if ($arg_height != '') {
set $height $arg_height;
image_filter resize $width $height;
image_filter_jpeg_quality 90;
Expected results:
The product image is uploaded to the product page.
Actual results:
The product image is not uploaded to the product page.
Disable Nginx to resize images.