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MDVA-42341: "categoryList" GraphQL query does not filter results
MDVA-42341: "categoryList" GraphQL query does not filter results
The MDVA-42341 patch solves the issue where the "categoryList" GraphQL query does not filter results if a request has the Store header. This patch is available when the Quality Patches Tool (QPT) 1.1.8 is installed. The patch ID is MDVA-42341. Please note that the issue is scheduled to be fixed in Adobe Commerce 2.4.4.
Affected products and versions
The patch is created for Adobe Commerce version:
Adobe Commerce (all deployment methods) 2.4.3-p1
Compatible with Adobe Commerce versions:
Adobe Commerce (all deployment methods) 2.4.2 - 2.4.3-p1
The patch might become applicable to other versions with new Quality Patches Tool releases. To check if the patch is compatible with your Adobe Commerce version, update the magento/quality-patches
package to the latest version and check the compatibility on the QPT landing page . Use the patch ID as a search keyword to locate the patch.
The "categoryList" GraphQL query does not filter results if a request has the Store header.
Steps to reproduce :
Create a new Root Category and name it root2 .
Create a second Website/Store/Storeview and assign root2 to the new Store.
Create a new category under Default root category = category1.
Using a GraphQL request, get a categories list for the second website (use Header store = new).
categoryList(filters: {name: {match: "category1"}}) {
breadcrumbs {
Expected results :
Categories from the default Root Category are not listed in response since we are using a "new" store Header.
Actual results :
Categories from the default Root Category are available in results.
Apply the patch
To apply individual patches, use the following links depending on your deployment method:
To learn more about Quality Patches Tool, refer to:
For info about other patches available in QPT, refer to Patches available in QPT in our developer documentation.
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