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Apply a patch to continue offering DHL as shipping carrier
Apply a patch to continue offering DHL as shipping carrier
Affected products and versions
Adobe Commerce 2.4.4 and earlier, all deployment methods.
DHL is introducing a 6.2 schema version and is deprecating version 6.0 by the end of July - September 2022. Adobe Commerce 2.4.4 and earlier DHL integration only supports version 6.0.
Adobe Commerce 2.4.5, scheduled for release in August 2022, will contain the upgraded integration with DHL using the version 6.2 schema. Until the new version is released (or in case you choose not to upgrade), we encourage you to apply the AC-3022 patch, implementing the version 6.2 DHL schema support, to continue offering DHL shipments in your store after the deprecation.
The patch ID is AC-3022 available in the Quality Patches Tool version 1.1.16.
Refer to the Quality Patches Tool (QPT) > Usage article in our developer documentation for information on how to use QPT and install patches.
The patch is applicable for the following Adobe Commerce versions:
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